Diabetes Forecast Article

Dear Kase's Corner riders and supporters,

Please check the link here for the article that just came out about our team in the DIABETES FORECAST – August Issue. Not bad! It is worth noting that my brother, Matt Kase, is the one who started all this and challenged me, my family and his neighbors to get involved with the Tour De Cure –Central PA.


I hope you read this article and get how fulfilling it is for us to get the kind of support you all provide for the TDC. The sum of all the positive energy our group generates is making an impact here.


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Main Line times did a nice feature on Team Kase's Corner. Our groundswell of success is rooted in our active participants, active supporters, local community, and local business.

Dear Kase's Corner riders and supporters, Please check the link here for the article that just came out about our team in the DIABETES FORECAST – August Issue. Not bad! It is worth noting that my brother, Matt Kase, is …

Team Kase's Corner PHL17 Video watch now and share with loved ones!